The Little Things

Yesterday on my way into work, I was praying and thanking God for the rich way that He has blessed my life. I was thanking Him for our children, and thinking about all the little things I love about each one of them. You know, the things that make them each uniquely them...the things that Kit and I get to see and know that many people would miss. I had to write some of them down...which will help never forget, and may at times help me through the "difficult" parts of their lives.

Naomi: I love the design of the freckles that cross over the ridge of her nose, and decorate the tops of her high cheek bones. I love the way that she furrows her forehead when she is feigning disgust at some embarrassing thing I have done. Her pink, rose shaped lips are precious. I love that the beautiful shape of her huge hazel eyes never really changes, even when she is laughing, or crying, or reading or sleeping. I love that she loves to "mommy" everyone. I love her dry sense of humor, and her ability to throw in a creative little jab here and there...that many people don't notice. I love that she loves people and is a kind hearted child. I love that she is a book worm. I love her gut laugh...the uncontrollable laugh that comes when she is tickled about something. I love her snuggles. I love that she wants to be around the big people, learning about what interests them. I love that she can keep up with the boys. I love that she deeply loves Jesus, and wants everyone to know about Him and hold Him in their hearts. I love that she is moved for children around the world she may never meet, but desires what is best for them. I love that she has a servants heart, just like her daddy.

Jacob: I love those deep, beautiful blue eyes that are highlighted behind his crazy long dark eye lashes. I love to watch him learning a new sport, and enjoying himself. I love that he is peacemaker, and cannot stand relationship discord. His blue lovies that he sleeps with at night soften the rough boy edges that are starting to develop. I love that he still sleeps with his right hand tucked up by his face, just like he did when he was a baby. I love how he loves his daddy. I love it at bedtime when he sings old hymns with me, and that his favorite is "The Old Rugged Cross". I love the way he starts to fidget when he even hears about a shot. I love that I can always tell what he's thinking, because he just says it. He is always honest, even if he knows the answer may get him in trouble. I love that he has great concern for the heartache of others. I love that he sees the world and is heartbroken by injustice. I love that he is persistent, and doesn't like to give up. I love watching him grow up, even though I really miss his round, rollie pollie baby body. I love that he dives into life, no reservations, fully excited about the possibilities that lie ahead. I love to watch him learn. I love that he loves Jesus, and will cherish forever the night that he asked Jesus into his heart.

Jonathan: I love that even though he may look like a giant, compared to his peers, he is still a little boy deep inside. I love the way he takes my face in his hands, and says, "I need 3 kisses." I love his little impish grin. I love the way he tilts his head back and to the side when he is really laughing. I love that he is starting to enjoy being a big brother. I love that he stashes his most precious treasures under his bed and hardly ever plays with them. I love that his eyes are the same color as my Grandma Bobby's, and that even though she is gone, I feel like I can see part of her still every time I look into them. I love the way he talks with a sweet, tender, quite voice when he is really trying to charm me...and I love that it always does charm me. I love that he always wants to know how everything works. I love that he never stops talking. I love that only mommy, daddy and Sunshine can call him baby. I love how he tucks his chin down, raises his eye brows, smiles a little toothless smile, and looks at me out of the top of his eyes when he is trying to win me over to his point of view. I love his counterclockwise cow licks.

Teagan: I love that he is a feisty little man. I love that he has his say, even if it has to be under his breath. I love it when he busts out laughing at his daddy. I love to watch him run with reckless abandon. I love it when he runs up to me when I get home from work, and wants me to hold him. I love the way he says, "What?", and "Dufus,", and "Potty Talk", and "Okay", and "Shush it Happy Meal." I love that he thinks his crib is a camping tent, and love to hear him refer to Camping Teagan. I love that he is completely attached to the lovey we gave him in Ethiopia. I love the way he chases the cat around the house, and tries to force his love on her. I love the perfect outline of his beautiful lips. I love his huge, almond eyes. I love his delicate, fine features, like his hands and tender little toes. I love his creamy, chocolaty skin. I love that he mimics his older siblings. I love his drama. I love that he has completely captured his Papa's heart I love his wild hair, and the way he says "Bouffant" hair do.

Are my children perfect? Not even close. But the little things about them have totally captivated my heart. There are times when they are so much less than lovely...but at the end of the day I always love them like crazy. Thank you, God, for the gift of our children.


  1. well said...and yes - Jacob has the LONGEST eyelashes I have every seen! Blessings to you and your little blessings tonight!

  2. I love this post!! I love how you know these little details about your sweet kids...I think I may copy your idea. So good to capture their uniqueness in writing because they change so fast. You are such a good mom, inspire me to be a better mom.


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