The boys.

August 17, 2011. Tonsillectomy day. Pretty much since then...things have been going DOWNHILL! While trying to remember that repeated bouts of strep throat every 5 weeks is no picnic...whining has become the norm around our house. Sleep is out, and the whine is on. And to add a little joy to the whole ordeal, Teagan has decided that midnight wanderings are the way to go. Wanderings that lead him into the kitchen, Nutella raids, gum engorgement, and 3 am hex bug games. Kit and I have been trying to maintain our sanity, patience, and smiles. Let's just say that we haven't been too successful, but I had a downright happy dance last night when I ordered a crib net for Teagan's bed, which will at least eliminate one variable.

The pics below are some of the photos pre-surgery. Jonner just wanted to watch TV, and so Jake had to give Dr. Kennedy some smiles.


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