Summer's End

The summer is drawing to a close...and in Montana it feels like it just begun. Sure we will have a few more warm days, and some may even be uncomfortable (by MT standards), but the signs are there that the summer is almost over. The evenings are getting cooler, and one needs a light jacket to sit on the porch. The fields are long past their prime, vibrant green, and hay is being cut and bailed. Friends and family have made their vacation treks to and from our lovely home. Mom and Dad have returned to New Mexico for the school year. School clothes are purchased, and school supplies are coming home today.
In the past, the end of seasons has brought a mixture of sadness and anticipation. But as the years pass, the children grow up, and I grow closer to my Loving Heavenly Father, I am thankful for all the last season held, and look forward to the next. Every day, walking with Him, is a journey to look forward to. Before we move on, I want to reflect on the joy of this last season, before it passes completely by.
This summer Naomi set out to read all the Magic Tree House books. I'm not sure she made it, but she has certainly read a ton, and loves to dig into new books. She has continued to draw and sketch, and her pictures are more and more developed. She is becoming a little woman, who still loves to play with her brothers, but also loves to do her hair, dress nice, cross her legs when she sits down for a nice meal, and loves to be a part of grown up conversations. She is becoming a beautiful girl in Christ, and has a huge heart for all those in her life.
Jacob continues to stretch out like a lodge pole pine! I can't believe he was my chubbiest little baby...because there isn't an ounce of anything chubby left! He is very bright and tender hearted, and still clings to his 3 blue loveys at night. He really enjoyed track club this summer with his dad. We were so proud that he made it up a 3.5 mi hike this summer with his own pack for an overnight camping trip. He continues to grow in his relationship with the Lord. He also added another rabbit to his rabbit family. We now have Elmor and Bandit.
Jonathan has had a very fun summer also. He loved swimming lessons, and has enjoyed time with his Grandma Sunshine. He is such a lover and snuggler, but he definitely knows how to work the system. His full on charm can turn into full on fury if he's crossed, and we have giggled all summer at his half-smiley question, "do you want me to Hy-ya you?" Which then erodes into giggles as we laugh at him! He knows how everything works, and when he doesn't he makes sure he finds out.
Teagan is a constant joy. He has been very feisty this summer, and has grown into quite a talker and singer. It is sheer joy to hear him singing while in his carseat. He loves candy and chocolate, and loved the parades of the summer because of that. Tractor rides and 4 wheeler rides top his favorites list for sure. When he smiles, everyone around him melts. When he cries everyone tries to make everything right. I can't imagine what our family would be without him.
Kit and I are continuing to figure out how to best use the time afforded to us by my new job. Thankfully this summer we have filled the time with visits from dear friends (the Hendricksons and Yungs). Time with family (Mom and Dad, Aunt Debbie and Uncle Tony, and the whole Florida Stewart crew). Time outdoors (swimming lessons, Happy Feet Track club, day hikes, overnight camping, drives over the pass, parades, and parks). We made it to Yellowstone several times, and we even got a little house work done too.
As this season passes I am thankful. God continues to fill our lives as we seek Him. Next week Jacob and Jonathan get their tonsils out (as we have also filled this summer with strep throat more than a few times). Then on the 24th the kids start school. Hopefully I will get the hang of this blogging world...and will post again before the end of the next season.


  1. Fun to see the update! :) Glad you started blogging. :)

  2. yeah!!! Maybe I will commit to trying to blog more often too :)See you SOON!!!

  3. Yay! I just saw on your wall and am going to add you to my Google Reader!


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