
We are back home today.  And home may really never have felt so good.  All the kids were glad to have us back, and Faith giggled most of this afternoon.  Separation still really upsets her.  Before we left we could see her insecurity building as she dropped us off at the airport with Papa.  "But I will miss daddy," she choked back with tears.  Make no mistake, the trauma of failed searching for her daddy in our car and his sudden absence from her life for 4 days, followed by his return with "owies" all over his body and weeks of pain have marked her.  Her stick together family wasn't together, and that didn't feel secure to her.  Each surgery, ER visit and bump in this road has churned the waters in her heart, and this trip was no exception.  Thankfully she is young and loved well.  She is healing, just like we are.  Just like her sister is going to.

We have breathed easier today, knowing what the pathway will be for Naomi that will lead out of this pain.  When Dr. Cole looked her in the eyes, and said, "Your pain is going to end.  We can fix this," I felt the answer to months of prayers and trusting God for her deliverance from this season.  He prayed with us and thanked God that He was going to heal Naomi, either through surgical hands or non-invasive measures.  He prayed that God would give us all peace and wisdom and direction as we take care of her.  He also gave her a gift and told her that she is likely to grow a few more inches.  I'm not sure which news was more exciting to her, healing or growth, as her brother's recent growth spurt has been an irritation these last few months.

So tonight, as we sit together as the Stick Together Stewarts, all 8 of us around our table we are filled with hope and gratitude.  We fully trust that God is moving and has beautiful plans for our family, our children, and us as a couple.  Faith is going to walk confidently in life, and her fear will not define her.  Naomi will be radiant in her healing as she is now in her suffering.  Our sons will know how to endure when they are able bodied but those around them are broken; as sometimes waiting with those who are broken is almost harder than being broken.  Mimi is going to grow up, never knowing life before the accident, only that her family has full faith in God who performs miracles.  Kit and I will heal, climb mountains together and guide our family to hear God's voice no matter what their circumstances.

As we left Minnesota this morning we watched the sun rising over a beautiful little lake.  My heart brimmed to overflowing with God's promise:  See I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.  Isaiah 43:19



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