Let Freedom Ring

I am a complete sucker for the 4th of July.  Gratitude for our freedom in this country overwhelms me and I find myself wanting to throw my arms around every veteran I see.  Throngs of people, endless flags waving in the breeze, children dressed in Red, White and Blue with bows and baseball caps and sun kissed cheeks after a parade fill me up to the brim with patriotism.  Fireworks have always seemed magical to me, and last night we had a fabulous fireworks display along with fireflies and then the most spectacular lightening and thunderstorm I've seen in years.  While sleep was elusive for much of the night, I awoke this morning eager for another day of celebration.  Life in a small town necessitates making a very big deal out of events, so why not have 3 days to celebrate the 4th?

I hope that you all enjoy your freedom and celebrate it well today.  Hug your family.  Kiss your kids and spouse and loved ones.  Breath deeply the gift of liberty, and the cost that was paid for us to have that gift.  If you are blessed to watch fireworks light the sky, I pray that your heart is bursting with joy over the breath in your lungs and the loved ones around you.

Happy Birthday, America!


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